Environmental Policy
A copy of the James M. Brown Ltd Environmental Policy may be downloaded as a .pdf here
It is the policy of James M Brown to take all appropriate measures necessary to protect and sustain the environment, recognising that measures taken to achieve this end can also have simultaneous beneficial effects on the operating efficiency of the company. It measures its impact on the environment and sets targets for ongoing improvement.
Compliance with this policy is achieved as follows:-
James M. Brown conducts its activities so as to protect the environment by preventing pollution in compliance with its Environmental Permit as issued by the Environmental Agency. The permit requires that emissions from the processes to water and air are sampled, tested and reported regularly to ensure compliance with the consents in the authorisation, and that noise and odour emissions are effectively controlled.
Under the Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH), all necessary measures are taken to prevent major accidents and to limit their consequences to people and the environment.
The company recognises the hierarchy of waste control and takes all practical steps to reduce the production of waste from its processes. Whenever practical potential waste materials are recovered and recycled in house. Waste materials are segregated to allow recycling. When it is necessary to dispose of wastes, the company takes care to ensure that its responsibilities under the Environmental Protection Act “Duty of Care” are fully met. Annual reviews of the waste produced and its disposal routes are submitted to the Environmental Agency.
The company aims to constantly improve energy utilisation efficiency and has set targets. The company is actively involved in monitoring energy usage and in making continuous process improvements to minimise energy wastage. Energy and water consumption per tonne of product manufactured are monitored and again submitted to the Environmental Agency.
As an active member of the Chemical Industries Association (CIA), the company has signed the Chemical Sector Climate Change Agreement and supports and complies with its “Responsible Care” Scheme. Amongst other aspects, these require James M Brown to submit annual statistics to the CIA on its environmental performance.
None of the company’s products contains any chemical which has been classified as an “Ozone Depleter”, nor are any of these chemicals used in the manufacture of the products.
The company engages in an active constructive dialogue with the Regulatory Authorities and takes practical steps for continuous improvement. We act to raise awareness of environmental issues to the staff and enlist their support in improving the Company’s performance, via specific training and an active Safety, Health and Environmental Committee.
The policy will be brought to the attention of employees and will be reviewed annually and if necessary, revised.